On Mon, Nov 19, 2001 at 01:46:47PM +0000, joe golden wrote: | Any recommendations for a good Integrated Devevlopment Environment? | | My brother has used MS Developer Studio and likes working with it. | | I'm encouraging him to make the switch to Linux. We've looked at code | warrior, code crusader, anjuta, code forge, kdevelop and code medic and | others. He is willing to pay $ for good tools.
One main difference between windows and unix (others have observed this too) : Windows is a user OS, and as such extra tools are required to do development. Unix was first designed a developer OS (and still is, though it is well suited to other tasks), and as such the OS _is_ the IDE. I like to use gvim for the editing portion of development. I use ctags, make, cvs, find, grep, diff, and various other utilities to work with the source files. There are more file utilities than I am proficient with. I also use whatever compiler or interpreter is appropriate for the language being used. Eg gcc, g++, javac/java, python, bash, etc. For debugging I tend to use the 'print' technique, though for C/C++ gdb is _the_ debugger. (there may be others, but gdb is kinda a standard) There are GUI frontends to gdb such as GVD and DDD that I use when I need to. I'm not aware of any good debuggers for java or python, but as I said, "print" is quite cross-language and cross-platform. I would encourage him to practice with the standard shell and file utilities and become acquainted with their power and flexibility. He can even start by using cygwin alongside of his MS Dev Studio. If he is to use any Unix system, then familiarity with the basic utilities will be very valuable even if he doesn't use them for development. HTH, -D