hi timo

i like to ask more detailed stuff...

here's some simpler answers...
        - as others have said, download and install logcheck or equivalent

-- Debian security howto

-- patch your kernel 
        - add libsafe, ow1, etc


-- to detect incoming email virus

-- to detect that a script kiddie added some files to your maohines
   or modified your system
        run tripwire, aide, etc
        do your own checksums, md5 on files oyu care about


-- to detect that a script kiddies is scanning your ports
        run snort, ippl, etc


-- audit your server for vulnerabilities 
        ( at least take a minute and do the simple stuff
        run nmap,nessus


-- running log file anaysis is nice...but remember that most script
   kiddies will erase traces of their attacks from the log files
        - send all logs to a secure loghost server

-- to detect that someone has logged in as root
        send yourself email from ~root/.login

-- More server and network security hardening


-- lots of fun stuff...

have fun linuxing
http://www.Linux-1U.net ... 500Gb 1U Raid5 ... 

On Fri, 9 Nov 2001, Timo <Blazko> Boewing wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have some questions regarding system security. Besides of doing 
> filtering with IP tables, disabling inet.d services like telnet, r-tools 
> etc. and setting some general denials in /etc/hosts.deny (plus some 
> other stuff like changing default ports of some demons like sshd), I am 
> looking for some additional security options I can apply to a linux system.
> Especially, I am looking for a not-too-paranoid-to-setup-tool that can 
> review my logfiles and report me via beep and/or local mail that it 
> found something unusual in a log. Does anyone know of such a tool?
> Second, as a more theoretical question, is there any open source project 
> available that can inspect network packages on application level, e.g. 
> to detect virusses etc. (like sandboxes on huge firewall systems).
> I hope not to mix some termini, cos I am not that good in this network 
> stuff...but I hope to learn from your answers. So do not hesitate to 
> post answers 8^).
> Greetings and have a nice weekend,
> Timo
> -- 
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