Thus spake Timo <Blazko> Boewing:
> Hello all,
> I have some questions regarding system security. Besides of doing 
> filtering with IP tables, disabling inet.d services like telnet, r-tools 
> etc. and setting some general denials in /etc/hosts.deny (plus some 
> other stuff like changing default ports of some demons like sshd), I am 
> looking for some additional security options I can apply to a linux system.
> Especially, I am looking for a not-too-paranoid-to-setup-tool that can 
> review my logfiles and report me via beep and/or local mail that it 
> found something unusual in a log. Does anyone know of such a tool?
Timo - 
Logcheck does that quite well, although it's default is to send a ton of
stuff.  It can be edited down to be more reasonable - I'm still going
through the manpages and whatnot to figure out what's worth it. I don't
know about your other questions.

It is through symbols that man consciously or unconsciously lives, works
and has his being.
                -- Thomas Carlyle

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