"Aryan" == Aryan Ameri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Aryan> I want to learn shell programming. Thus I went to my
    Aryan> university's library and found a book named "UNIX Shell
    Aryan> Programming". The problem is, the book is written on 1988,
    Aryan> and covers shell programming on Korn, Bourne and the C
    Aryan> Shell on both AT&T System V and Berkely systems ( I guess
    Aryan> these two were the most major Unices at the time ).

Go for it.

    Aryan> Obviously, I am using Debian GNU/Linux not System V or BSD,
    Aryan> and I use BASH.  But this is the only book in our library
    Aryan> about shell programming. so I wonder:

    Aryan> 1 ) Can this book be beneficial for me? or is it so
    Aryan> obsolete that it is not usefull anymore?

I have not read it, but how beneficial it will be is probably not
related to its age, just its overall quality.

    Aryan> The book shows examples for all of these tree
    Aryan> shells. Therefore I wonder 2 ) Bash is more similar to
    Aryan> which one of these Shells? Korn Bourne or C ?

Bash is most similar to the Bourne shell. Bash is the "Bourne Again
SHell" :-)

    Aryan> 3) What things shall I keep in mind when reading example
    Aryan> programs. Do commads on Korn, Bourne and C, usually work on
    Aryan> Bash? Or is Bash using a completely diffrent syntax?

If it's a good book, you'll do well to read it. 

IMHO the best introduction to shell programming and UNIX in general is
still "The UNIX Programming Environment" by Kernighan & Pike. It was
written in 1978! I love the book, and if some one added a sticky note
in there describing the '#/bin/sh' syntax supported my modern shells
it would be a pretty complete introduction to the UNIX philosophy.


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