On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 05:41:46PM +0200, Aryan Ameri wrote:
> Hi There:
> 1 ) Can this book be beneficial for me? or is it so obsolete that it is not 
> usefull anymore?

i would say this makes it even *more* useful.  personally, i do all
my scripting in /bin/sh (that's the Bourne shell), because that's really
the only thing you're guaranteed to have on a UNIX system.  this is,
of course, if portability is at all a concern of yours.  imho, there
is a zen to sh scripting, and staying with such an approach will gain
you much.

> The book shows examples for all of these tree shells. Therefore I wonder 
> 2 ) Bash is more similar to which one of these Shells? Korn Bourne or C ? 

Bash is the "Bourne Again" shell, if that's at all a subtle hint :).

> 3) What things shall I keep in mind when reading example programs. Do commads 
> on Korn, Bourne and C, usually work on Bash? Or is Bash using a completely 
> diffrent syntax? 

ksh and bash will likely be the same for your needs and uses, but csh is
horribly, horribly different and you shouldn't be coding in it anyways,
you should be avoiding it like the plague...


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