>>>>> "Viktor" == Viktor Rosenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Viktor> You are mostly correct.  IIRC, if the package structure
    Viktor> changes, e.g.  some packages get split up and others are
    Viktor> added, then "upgrade" won't handle that and only upgrade
    Viktor> the packages you have installed.  "dist-upgrade" handles
    Viktor> this case more intelligently.

    Viktor> However, since the package structure in potato (stable)
    Viktor> won't change, "dist-upgrade" and "upgrade" have the same
    Viktor> effect.  An "upgrade" on woody or sid might leave your
    Viktor> system broken, though.

    Viktor> So, if you "upgrade" to woody, better use "dist-upgrade".

If I'm already tracking woody, should I be routinely using "upgrade"
or "dist-upgrade" ?


Robert Koss, Ph.D.     | Training, Mentoring, Contract Development
Senior Consultant      | Object Oriented Design, C++, Java
www.objectmentor.com   | Extreme Programming

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