Mike Fontenot wrote:

> Is my interpretation correct, or have I misunderstood
> the man page?  (My main concern is that I don't want to
> accidentally upgrade to woody).

You are mostly correct.  IIRC, if the package structure changes, e.g.
some packages get split up and others are added, then "upgrade" won't
handle that and only upgrade the packages you have installed.
"dist-upgrade" handles this case more intelligently.

However, since the package structure in potato (stable) won't change,
"dist-upgrade" and "upgrade" have the same effect.  An "upgrade" on
woody or sid might leave your system broken, though.

So, if you "upgrade" to woody, better use "dist-upgrade".  :)

Viktor Rosenfeld
WWW: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/

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