On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 07:12:06AM -0700, sheine wrote:
> I changed the permissions and got new troubles. The soa and sop files 
> started, but told me that I did not have enough disk memory, when I am 
> reasonably sure that I do. The first so file told me that I needed the 
> directory on the last so file. When I tried it, I was told that a bin 
> file couldn't be executed.
> Has anyone made this thing work?

    I had a similar problem when I downloaded files that were corrupted by my
web browser. I used ncftp instead and it worked fine. 


Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, GnuPG pub key: 5BC8BE08
"Pretty soon, massive bloat is the industry standard and everyone is using
huge, buggy programs not even their developers can love."
    -Eric S. Raymond, The Art of Unix Programming

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