Has anyone made this thing work?
I changed the permissions and got new troubles. The soa and sop files
started, but told me that I did not have enough disk memory, when I am
reasonably sure that I do. The first so file told me that I needed the
directory on the last so file. When I tried it, I was told that a bin
file couldn't be executed.
- Star Office 6 sheine
- Re: Star Office 6 Michael P. Soulier
- Re: Star Office 6 Tommi Komulainen
- Re: Star Office 6 will trillich
- Re: Star Office 6 Hanasaki JiJi
- Re: Star Office 6 Tommi Komulainen
- Re: Star Office 6 sheine
- Re: Star Office 6 Phillip Deackes
- Re: Star Office 6 Richard Hector
- Re: Star Office 6 Michael P. Soulier