On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 08:57:15PM +0200, MarceI Figuerola Estrada wrote:
> When I start linux I get a list of error messages which I can't view
> because the screen scrolls so fast. Is there any way to read them?

Try running 'dmesg'
Also, try the ScrLck (or pause) button on your keyboard
Last, try using your page up key to scroll back.  You might have to hold
  down shift-PgUp to scroll up.
The last problem is that the login screen overwrites the last screenfull
of stuff.  Hold down return during the startup process to make sure what
you want is scrolled off the screen before it gets reset, then you can
use the PgUp button to scroll back.  
Warning!  Do not switch virtual consoles!  It will destroy the ability
to scroll.


Ben Hartshorne  ...Discarding smoothly, as we disembark,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] All thoughts that held us wiser for a moment
ben.hartshorne.net Up there, alone, in the impartial dark. -M. Oliver
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