Eileen Orbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,

Hello Eileen.

> What windows manager do poeple on the list recommend using?  I have
> just installed Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (a.k.a. Potato) and was trying to
> find KDE.  Could someone point me to this or maybe recomment something
> else

I used to use Blackbox. I know - it is very simple, but I found it
good enough to suit my needs. It doesn't have as many features as,
say... KDE or Gnome, but it is light, and as I said, simple - in a 
positive way. 

Now I'm using fvwm (Blackbox stopped working after an upgrade of
X stuff). It is pretty good, IMHO, but to make it function as you want
it, means text editor and *lots and lots* of configuring. Still, I find
it worth the fuss. It is light and simple, as well. FVWM has more 
features than Blackbox, and as I said, you can make it look and work
just the way you want - but it requires lots of tweaking around the
rc file. 

IceWm is also worth of trying, if you want light-weight and simple
window damager. Although, it looks too much like Win9x, so I didn't
like it. :-P Anyway, these are my two cents. I don't have any experience
whatsoever about KDE or Gnome as a window manager, so I know nothing
about them. The wm's I mentioned, I have found good for my use. YMMV. 

Jussi Ekholm,               "Everything is so fine it could be
little, ill flower           don't let your mind take you in misery
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            all the feelings you're not so much pleased
http://goa-head.org/ekhowl   they're just to take you to sweet harmony"

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