on Fri, Oct 05, 2001 at 01:35:37PM -0400, Eileen Orbell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Hi all,
> What windows manager do poeple on the list recommend using?  I have
> just installed Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (a.k.a. Potato) and was trying to
> find KDE.  Could someone point me to this or maybe recomment something
> else

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Thank you.

I use WindowMaker.  IMVAO it's an excellent compromise between light,
fast, stable, clean, configurable, and stays-the-fuck-out-of-my-face.



I have over a dozen window managers installed on my desktop box mostly
to keep tabs on status and try stuff.

If I want to show a h4X0r a k3wl desktop, I fire up GNOME.
If I want to show a Windoz lUzer a friendly desktop, I fire up KDE.

Sawfish (aka Sawmill) and Blackbox are almost as convenient as
WindowMaker, though I prefer the latter.

twm is simple and lightweight, good for a minimal system.

fvwm is infinitely configurable, and many gurus prefer it for its

I tend to prefer console/text apps:  vi, mutt, w3m.  I find I like some
GNOME apps:  Galeon, Abiword.  And some KDE ones:  KOrganizer.
StarOffice, that bloated stuck pig of an office suite, generally sucks,
but if you need a presentation tool, Impress is a perfectly acceptable
MS Powerpoint replacement.

If you want to install KDE, I'd recommend updating to Debian Woody (aka
testing).  KDE 2.2.1 is installed, and is generally pretty slick.  You
can do the update by changing 'stable' to 'testing' in your
/etc/apt/sources.list file, and running:

  $ apt-get update
  $ apt-get dist-upgrade

...then installing the appropriate KDE packages.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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