On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 02:08:56PM -0800, Brian Dockter wrote:
> --- "Narins, Josh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > If I were you I'd try instaling with woody sources, then, once
> > everything is
> > set there, change sources to sarge then apt-get update && apt-get
> > dist-upgrade
> I had thought about that, but I was hoping to save myself some trouble
> (boy was I wrong :-). 

Heh, I think you stumbled onto the debian-installer test images.
debian-installer will be the new fandoozy one that Sarge releases with
but it's, er, under rather heavy development at the moment :)

> Also, I had a similar issue with my first potato install a couple of
> years ago. I finally had to hard-wire the http_proxy variable in order
> to get the install to work. I seems like the Debian installer is just
> not proxy friendly yet (although it makes an attempt at it).

Hm, that's odd, I'm almost certain the installer asked me for proxy
settings at some point.  Of course, it's been a long time since I've
installed Debian, so I could be quite wrong.

Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                            http://ertius.org/

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