-----------Brian Dockter wrote:
> I'm trying to get Sarge up and running on my Vaio
> laptop (GR390) and am having some problems. I'm using
> the official netinst CD image (from 2/26/03). Also,
> I'm behind a firewall and must go through an HTTP
> proxy.
> My first (minor) problem is with selecting from a list
> of options (such as choosing a mirror to install
> from). When the list gets too long, the first options
> scroll off the top and I can't see them any more. Is
> there a way to scroll or page these lists (and output
> messages)?
> My second (major) problem is with installing the
> kernel (step 14). I've stumbled through the previous
> steps, but when I try to install the kernel, the
> screen scrolls and quickly comes back to the main menu
> (with step 14 still chosen as the default). The
> messages at the top of the screen are:
>   kernel-installer's postinst exited with status 25600
>   installer[2374]: Setting main menu question priority
> to critical
> Then I'm back to the main menu.
> If I use Ctrl-S to pause the printout, I can see the
> following messages:
>   The following extra packages will be installed:
>     cramfsprogs dash zlib1g
>   The following NEW packages will be installed:
>     cramfsprogs dash initrd-tools zlib1g
> and other messages from apt. When it finally gets to
> downloading the packages, I get several messages like
> the following:
>   Err http://linux.csua.berkeley.edu sarge/main dash
> 0.4.1
>     Could not resolve 'linux.csua.berkeley.edu'
> This sounds like the http_proxy environment variable
> is not being set, but things worked fine when I
> installed the base system? Does anyone have any idea
> about what's going wrong?
> Thanks for your help.
> Brian

Did you set the DNS ?
I always get this... my dns server doesn't work full time :(, but what I
do is:
change to other console i.e. alt+F2 and edit /etc/resolv.conf and put
the new dns in the file 

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