On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, Jason Majors wrote:

> I'm running this on an Asus A7V-E and a TBird 1.2GHZ, so I can say this with
> some authority. Choose the most advanced option you can. On my 2.2.19 kernel
> I chose PPro/6x86MX, because the Athlon has all the special registers and
> optimizations of the i686, and then some. Don't, as someone suggested, choose
> K6, because you'd be limiting yourself.

Since my 2.2.19 kernel is already compiled for PPro/6x86MX, it looks like
the Asus A7V266 + T-bird 1.4G should be a straight drop-in replacement. 
That's good to know... 

> I hear that 2.4 has an Athlon option, but I'm not sure how well it works, I
> read some bad things about it on this list yesterday. (Look for athlon in
> yesterday's mail archive).

I read that, but I haven't gone over to 2.4 yet.  I'll cross that bridge
when I get to it...

Thanks a lot,

George Karaolides       8, Costakis Pantelides St.,
tel:   +35 79 68 08 86                   Strovolos, 
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Nicosia CY 2057,
web:   www.karaolides.com      Republic  of Cyprus

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