On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 10:24:34PM +0200, Emil Pedersen wrote: > > Just to add some more noice to the list ;-) > > [statement] Hot-plugging keyboards works _MOST_ of the time. > > It is true for at least PS/2-keyboard, since the only machine I've > managed to destroy this way is an Digital Celebris 590. My other > machines with PS/2 have survived, so for ps2 types the statement is > true. > > When it comes to DIN-keyboards, I have NOT been able to kill any machine > this way. > > Finaly, since I have one more Celebris 590 I _could_ verify that these > machines DO die when keyboard is hot-swapped, but I think it might be a > waste of computers if I succeed... ;-)
Erk. I must be lucky, since mine hasn't died the few times I've hotswapped ps2 stuff on it. Hrmm. Need to get it netbooting one of these days, or find a disk for it, and have spare CPU cycles. What do you run for disk on yours? These appear unable to correctly resolve anything over 8GB for booting. -- Ferret I will be switching my email addresses from @ferret.dyndns.org to @mail.aom.geek on or after September 1, 2001, but not until after Debian's servers include support. 'geek' is an OpenNIC TLD. See http://www.opennic.unrated.net for details about adding OpenNIC support to your computer, or ask your provider to add support to their name servers.
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