Emil Pedersen wrote:
> Just to add some more noice to the list ;-)
> [statement] Hot-plugging keyboards works _MOST_ of the time.
>   It is true for at least PS/2-keyboard, since the only machine I've
> managed to destroy this way is an Digital Celebris 590.  My other
> machines with PS/2 have survived, so for ps2 types the statement is
> true.
> When it comes to DIN-keyboards, I have NOT been able to kill any machine
> this way.
> Finaly, since I have one more Celebris 590 I _could_ verify that these
> machines DO die when keyboard is hot-swapped, but I think it might be a
> waste of computers if I succeed... ;-)
> Regards,
>         Emil
> Btw.
> Have anyone mantioned those adapters for some dollar or two?

I'm sure it's possible to physically damage a machine if:
 a) you managed to short some wires together (Mac types have been warned
not to plug/unplug ADB devices since circa 1984 for this reason).
 b) in the process of fumbling around, you managed to send a stout jolt
of electrostatic discharge into the keyboard port.

Physical damage should not be confused with an OS (or BIOS?) that gets
confused by the sudden absense/presence of a keyboard (back to Mac, ADB
addresses the devices semi-dynamically at startup IIRC, hence a
potential ID conflict if you add a device later).

BTW: yes, a couple of people (including myself) have mentioned the


Rich Puhek               
ETN Systems Inc.         

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