On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 08:49:49AM -0700, Paul Mackinney wrote:

| I've heard that the Sun and Blackdown are identical for jdk1.3, I've
| installed both and on the surface they appeared identical. By inspecting
| one of the Blackdown mirror sites, I was able to successfully configure
| my sources.list file and persuade apt to work.

Yeah, the Blackdown people signed an NDA with Sun in order to port the
Sun jdk to Linux.  I think now Sun has decided to actually distribute
a Linux JDK directly from their website so they use the Blackdown
people's work.

| I use 'javac' to compile .java to .class, 'java' to run .class files. 
| I've heard that gcj is only 1.0 compatible. Any know of a jdk1.3
| compatible compiler to create binaries?

Do you mean like native binaries?  If so, then no.  Otherwise I use
jikes because it is nice and fast and produces better error messages


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