On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 07:59:57PM -0400, Bob Koss wrote: | >>>>> "rio" == rio Brito <Rog> writes: | | rio> On Aug 12 2001, Bob Koss wrote: | >> I added the above to sources.list, did a apt-get update, but | >> when I apt-cache search, all I see is jdk 1.1.x. I don't see | >> 1.3.x anywhere. | >> | >> What am I doing wrong? | | rio> apt-get install j2re1.3 | | | That's the runtime environment. I was looking for the develpment | environment (JDK).
'j2sdk1.3' is the name of the JDK 1.3 package from the Blackdown group. If you don't have the apt line, it is available from blackdown.org. The apt line I have is : deb ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/linux/devel/lang/java/blackdown.org/debian/ woody non-free -D