On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 05:10:26PM +0200, Kalle Hasselstr?m wrote: > However, using fetchmail+procmail+mutt is a very good solution. That's > what I use, and I'm very happy with it. But I want KMail too, so I > might just set up an IMAP server myself.
i was a procmail victim too, and didn't know it until i found exim filters (lynx /usr/share/doc/exim/filter.html )... :) -- DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #74 from USM Bish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : Want to AUTOMATICALLY SIGN OUTGOING MAIL WITH PGP IN MUTT? After "apt-get install pgp" first generate your keys, then add the following to your ~/.muttrc: set pgp_default_version=gpg set pgp_autosign set pgp_sign_as=<your key id> set pgp_timeout=7200 Easy! Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...