On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 10:09:27PM +0200, Leonard Stiles wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (pkm) writes: > > > hey... how can I set my default shell (when I don't have root > > access)... I'm being forced to use csh but I want to use bash > > man chsh
if you're gonna be particular, chsh is the way to go (if you have the privileges). or you can just run the shell you DO want as a command, even from a startup file (like ~/.cshrc): % bash % tcsh % ash % zsh then when you're done, you just ^D (eof) out of it, which will return you to the 'default' original shell. if you don't wanna have to also log out of your default shell, you can do something like this: % bash && exit then when you log out of your bash invocation, your csh instance will exit as well. check the manpage of your particular shell-of-choice to see how to invoke it as if it were a 'login' shell (where it processes different or additional startup/init files to load its environment)... -- DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #45 from Will Trillich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : Troubled by DOS-FORMAT TEXT FILES? There are many ways to get rid of the extra ^M characters. In VIM, try :set ff=unix before saving the file (":opt" for more info); or, use perl: perl -pi.dos -e 's/\cM//g' filename*pattern.txt ("perldoc perlrun" for more info.) Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...