On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 12:57:39AM -0700, Ramachandran Chidambaram wrote:
> I did exactly as you suggested but not successful.Let
> me give the feedback to help solve this.
> While installing from CD, the parameters are:-Debian
> Task installer fully installed {which includes X
> window sys complete and core components)Monitor-super
> VGA 800x600 56 hz,vertical sync range 50-90, video mem
> -1024k (default given by the system)Video card- ATI 3D
> pro AGP, default color depth- 8bpp (256 colors),
> default resolution- 800x600. Alternate
> resolution-640x480.Config file /etc/X11/Xf86Config
> crated.

If you have run XF86Setup or xf86config and entered the
correct details about your monitor, video card etc,
all you have to do is typ startx and X should start.

If not, you need to run one of these set-up programs
and configure X. You have to do this as root.

(Sam Varghese)

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