On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 02:41:28PM +1000, Matthew Dalton wrote: > "Eric G. Miller" wrote: > > > should i use something different? > > > > Use the -ko flag to "add" in CVS for the generated files to stop keyword > > expansion. If you want to use keyword expansion, then you have to be > > careful in your usage (especially with perl or shell scripts). > > You can change/add -k flags to already-committed files using 'cvs > admin'. > > See the CVS book for details: > http://cvsbook.red-bean.com/cvsbook.html
okay, i think i grok that (high probability, at least :) but as for $VERSION within the perl code, how can i have CVS maintain the number directly, so it won't interfere with "perl Makefile.PL" as it's doing now? even $VERSION = "$Revision$" has trouble, so i've tried $VERSION = ("$Revision: 1.1 $" =~ /(\d+\.?\d*)/)[0]; but i still wind up with a makefile that contains VERSION = undef VERSION_SYM = undef XS_VERSION = undef which causes trouble at @$(PERL) -e "print qq{<SOFTPKG NAME=\"SECSed\" VERSION=\"undef,0,0,0\">\n}. qq{\t<TITLE>SECSed</TITLE>\n}. qq{\t<ABSTRACT></ ABSTRACT>\n}. qq{\t<AUTHOR></AUTHOR>\n}. qq{\t<IMPLEMENTATION>\n}. qq{\t\t<OS NAME=\"$(OSNAME)\" />\n}. qq{\t\t<ARCHITECTURE NAME=\" i386-linux\" />\n}. qq{\t\t<CODEBASE HREF=\"\" />\n}. qq{\t</IMPLEMENTATION>\n}. qq{</SOFTPKG>\n}" > SECSed.ppd [particularly the VERSION="undef,0,0,0" part.] the versioning numbers should look like this, instead: VERSION = 0.01 VERSION_SYM = 0_01 XS_VERSION = 0.01 how can i do that with # perl $VERSION = '$some-magic-CVS-incantation$'; -- DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #71 from Joost Kooij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : So exactly WHICH SHELL ARE YOU RUNNING? Simply try echo $SHELL or printenv SHELL AFAIK any shell that does not set $SHELL is broken. Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...