i do "h2xs -AXn MyModule" to start out a new perl module, and i get

-rw-r--r--    1 will     serensof      119 Jul 11 16:42 Changes
-rw-r--r--    1 will     serensof       47 Jul 11 16:42 MANIFEST
-rw-r--r--    1 will     serensof      231 Jul 11 16:42 Makefile.PL
-rw-r--r--    1 will     serensof    44237 Jul 11 16:42 MyModule.pm
-rw-r--r--    1 will     serensof      651 Jul 11 16:42 test.pl

i can then

        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install

and all is well.


BUT when i get those SAME EXACT FILES via

        cvs -d /yada/yada checkout myVeryOwnProject

and then try

        $ cd myVeryOwnProject
        $ perl Makefile.PL 
        Writing Makefile for MyModule
        $ make
        Makefile:430: *** target pattern contains no `%'.  Stop.

i've done a diff on the two resulting "Makefile"s and there's
lots, lots, lots. under RCS, all went well, under CVS, "make" is
broken somehow.

(line 430 is "
tardist : $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)
" if it's relevant)

what did i miss, here?

Did you know MANPAGES ARE IN SEVERAL SECTIONS?  For example,
user commands are in section 2 of the manual, and system
administration items are in section 8; to request a particular
section via "man" include it before the item:
        man 7 regex
(otherwise you'll probably see regex from section 3 instead.)
To see ALL pages with a particular name, try
        man -a regex
every matching manpage (from whichever section) will be
presented, one-by-one.

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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