hi ya michael

>     > 1. as many people stated, DON"T use ftp. it's the most
>     > dangerous protocol. use scp instead.
> Can anyone suggest a way to scp from a machine where I'm not
> allowed to install scp?  (For example, win98 and win2000 machines
> in our libraries)

am assumig you know scp is part of ssh...

if you have administrator priviledges on the win98/win2k boxes..
download and install ( free or commercial versions of ) ssh that runs on
MS windoze boxes
        http://www.Linux-Sec.net/SSH  ( windoze clients on the bottom )

if you dont have administrator access... you're probably hosed...
  -- some say look for a new company to work at ... 
or failing that drastic step... try using https  instead for secure 
web-based transfers....
        - there's always floppys too

and there's always secure ftp servers/clients also in the ssh2 package

c ya

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