The following is an excerpt from a message I was going to post the day before I decided to go ahead and make the leap anyway. ;-)
-------------- OK! Deb. You win. Been used to doing things my way all my life and a lot of time's I'm used to doing things other Linux ways. Taking a good laugh at myself after a couple of aborted attempts at upgrading to a 2.4.5 kernel on my 2.2r3 and after watching Lil Deb throw a tantrum and go into runaway modprobes, I decided it might be best to do a little RTFM, and so I went ahead and added the deb to my sources list, sat back and let dselect do the job of getting all my necessary upgrades and kernel sources in place. Question now. I'm going to humble and ask for help. ;-) I want to patch with the ac18 to make use of the se401 driver for my Kensington vidcam and the diffs for the Lexar JumpSHOT usb flashcard reader. Any gotchas involved? Anyone tried it? Is this particular .deb kernel source so far different that it's not amenable to patching. Appreciate any input. ------------------ Well, any way, it worked, and yes, like you, I maintain both kernels on the install. Just in case. Don't like to burn my bridges behind me at this age where I might need an escape route. Also ref: Victor. At 51, 60 didn't seem to be all that far away. At 60, looking back, it appears I've passed the point of no return and regardless how much I'd like, it's futility to try to turn around now. ;-) Stability issues? At this point, I've got only about three days on it, but so far, the ac18 nor the other good stuff hasn't detracted from Lil Deb's stability, other than a loss of time, which I've proved in my own mind beyond a reasonable doubt isn't hardware related, and I've never before had on this machine until I went past a 2.4 kernel. But I get the time loss with about four flavors of Linux, so I don't know. Haven't found anyone who will admit to the same problem though.;-) What am I trying to say? "love it" I guess. ;-) Charlie World's oldest *Living* linux user. ;-) Registered Linux User # 196055 User zos wrote: > > Wow...I wish more older people were as tech savvy as you. I haven't been > able to get my mother at age 43 to even adapt to Windows9x. > > I am using a "vanilla" Linux 2.4.5 kernel asides from making the necessary > updates on my potato distro. The good news is this. You can update > whatever distro you are using and use both 2.2.x and 2.4.x kernels. > On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, olgnuby wrote: > > > Victor wrote: > > > > > > Having a wonderfully stable debian 2.2r3 box with kernel 2.2.19 > > > compiled & tailored to my laptop's needs, I wonder if it is worth my > > > while upgrading to kernel 2.4.5.