Victor wrote: > > Having a wonderfully stable debian 2.2r3 box with kernel 2.2.19 > compiled & tailored to my laptop's needs, I wonder if it is worth my > while upgrading to kernel 2.4.5. > > My specific focus is on stability. > > What's your experience on this? > > Ciao > Vittorio
I've seen two or three takes on this this morning. About all I can do is echo the sentiments of the respondents to the previous and share my own experience. It's going to be dependent on your own personal needs and wants. On this AMD 1.2 gig machine, running 2.2r3 I run the 2.4.5 with the ac18 patch and a patch for the Lexar JumpSHOT flash memory card reader. The ac18 patch is the only practical way I could figure out to get the se401 driver I need for my Kensington vidcam unless I run a 2.4.3, or write my own patch or what ever and I'm not quite that advanced yet. I've also run into problems getting my particular flavor of sound to work properly on the earlier kernels without some gymnastics with alsa. Don't try to compile and run a vanilla kernel from unless you're a hell of a lot more advanced than I am. The upgrades at ../ are necessary, but are simple using dselect if that, like me is, your method. They do the necessary upgrades on modutils, ppp, etc, that you would normally have to do on all the other distros I've tried, puts your kernel sources in place and then you can do your config, compile and install from there. As someone said a posting or two back, unless you need a lot of exotic usb stuff etc. You would more than likely be best off with the generic kernel. Me, hell, I'm 60 retired and not dependent on my computer for much other than a toy, so I can afford to blow it out and be down if I screw it up. ;-) Charlie