On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Shaul Karl wrote:

> Trying to View (F3) a deb file from within mc (Midnight Commander)
> gives me a red Error box with the message: `Empty output from child
> filter'
> It seems to me that the problem is my respective lines in ~/.mc/bindings:
> [13:14:57 tmp]$ grep -A4 '# deb' ~/.mc/bindings 
> # deb
> regex/\.deb$
>         Open=%cd %p#deb
>         View=%view{ascii} ar p %f control.tar.gz | tar xzO control ;
> echo "" ;  echo "Filelist:" ; ar p %f data.tar.gz | tar tzv
> [13:15:04 tmp]$ 
> Do other get this Error? What are the correct lines?

It works fine for me (out of the box) for whatever version of mc
there is on 2.2r3. The only files I have in .mc are 

-rw-r--r--    1 1000     1000           35 Jul  7 11:36 Tree
-rw-------    1 1000     1000          514 Jul  7 11:36 history

Tree contains only

Midnight Commander TreeStore v 2.0

and history has some crap in it about the deb files I have accessed.

Did you add the above lines yourself? If so, take them out and it should
work. I have not customised mc at all, and it works for me.


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