For those of you who tried to help with my problem, several weeks ago, here is a statement of the problem and solution. I have Windows98, Redhat linux, and Debian linux on my hard disk. Until last summer, I could get online with all three. During the summer something happened and only Windows could get me online although both versions of linux connected. I was assured by a technician at U.S. Robotics that it could not be modem if it worked with Windows. After following all suggestions offered here and consulting with a computer technician, the conclusion was that it had to be the modem. I bought a new Diamond modem and both versions of linux now get me online. Our guess is that I had a line surge that knocked out a part of the modem that linux requires, but that Windows can do without. I still have two minor problems that I may be able to work out myself. In order to get on line with Debian, I must use ppp. Minicom and wvdial connect but fail to authenticate. The other problem is something new with lilo, which I installed using Redhat. It now demands a password for Debian, but not for Redhat.

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