On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 10:48:52AM +1000, Aquila wrote:
> I think apt-get install task-kde is the "proper" way to do it. It's a
> virtual package that depends on the actual kde packages.
> On 24 Jun 2001 17:17:02 -0500, Zac Hostens wrote:
> > Run dselect and choose the package kdebase, and it will install everything 
> > it 
> > needs for kde, u dont have to download anything manually

my take:

        kdebase installs the fundamental libs
        task-kde installs whole shootin' match, ball-o-wax, enchilada

$ apt-cache show kdebase|grep Depends
Depends: kdebase-libs (>= 4:2.1.1-0), kdelibs3 (>= 4:2.1.1-0), kdelibs3 (>= 
4:2.1.1-0) | kdelibs3-crypto (>= 4:2.1.1-0), libc6 (>= 2.1.2), libgl1, 
libjpeg62, libkonq3 (>= 4:2.1.1-0), liblcms (>= 1.07-0), libmng1 (>= 1.0.0-0), 
libpam0g, libpng2, libqt2 (>= 2:2.3.0-final-0) | libqt2-gl (>= 
2:2.3.0-final-0), libssl096, libstdc++2.10, libxpm4, libz1, xlib6g (>= 
3.3.6-4), kdebase-libs (>= 4:2.1.1-0.potato1), libkonq3 (>= 4:2.1.1-0.potato1), 
debianutils (>= 1.6), xfree86-common, libpam-modules

$ apt-cache show task-kde|grep Depends
Depends: libqt2, kdelibs3, libarts | libarts-alsa, libkmid | libkmid-alsa, 
kdebase, kdebase-libs, libkonq3, libmimelib1, konqueror, konsole, kdebase-doc, 
kdewallpapers, kuser, ksysv, kcron, kpackage, ksysctrl, secpolicy, kghostview, 
kview, libminimagick5, kmail, korn, korganizer, abbrowser, ark, kab, karm, 
kcalc, kcharselect, kdepasswd, kdf, kedit, kfind, khexedit, kjots, knotes, kpm, 
ktimemon, koffice-libs, kchart, kword, kspread, killustrator, kpresenter, 
kformula, koshell, kivio, pixie, kpaint, kiconedit, kdepim-libs

Do you need to MASSAGE A BUNCH OF FILE NAMES? There's more
than one way to skin a cat -- here are some examples of
canonicalizing file names to lower-case:
        mmv \* \#l1
        rename 'tr/A-Z/a-z/' *
        zsh -c 'for x in *; do mv "$x" "${x:l}"; done'
(The "rename" command is a standard perl script, by the way.)

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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