Run dselect and choose the package kdebase, and it will install everything it 
needs for kde, u dont have to download anything manually

On Thursday 21 June 2001 16:04, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> I have a friend who wants to install KDE.  Other than getting all the
> packages from manually is there anything to "apt-get install" ?
> I can't find any packages for kde...
> :wq!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert L. Harris                |  Micros~1 :
> Senior System Engineer          |    For when quality, reliability
>   at RnD Consulting             |      and security just aren't
>                                 \_       that important!
>       These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
> FYI:
>  perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

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