If it's XFree86 4, you should be able to configure it with:
# XFree86 -configure

It will create a `XF86Config.new' file in your /root directory that it tells 
you to test.  It's never been able to detect my mouse (Standard PS/2 Logitech 
MarbleMan -- nothing odd or anything; it just won't see it) so I end up having 
to update the configuration for that.  Otherwise, it's worked well for me.

Depending on your hardware, you might want to check http://www.xfree86.org to 
see if your video card is supported under 4.

Wyatt Draggoo

BTW, your English is a *lot* better than my German. :)

>===== Original Message From Gregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>my problem
>i have apdate my potato to woody and to gnome.1.4
>when i start my laptop the next time my x windows will not work more
>make a new setup with xf86setup and xf86config but it will not work
>is ther any other way to do it the xfree is now update to xfree4 befor
>it was one of the last 3 version
>by the update one packekt as me if the font from 75 to 100dip chang?
>i ask with yes
>thanks for help
>sorry for my english
>****  Gregor Kleinhesseling       ***************************
>****  [EMAIL PROTECTED]               ***************************
>****  I like LINUX                ***************************
>**************                                ***************
>************** Hope you will have a nice day  ***************
>**************                                ***************
>with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wyatt Draggoo
Network Administrator

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