Gregor wrote:
> my problem
> i have apdate my potato to woody and to gnome.1.4
> when i start my laptop the next time my x windows will not work more
> make a new setup with xf86setup and xf86config but it will not work
> is ther any other way to do it the xfree is now update to xfree4 befor

you can edit "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4" by hand.  I find it useful to take
out some modes from Section "Screen" when things don't quite work.  Try
setting the DefaultDepth to something small like 8.  Make sure you have
a Subsection "Display" with Depth 8.  Now set the Modes to something
small like "800x600" .

Also try adding any error messages or logs to your posts so that people
can see what's going on.


> it was one of the last 3 version
> by the update one packekt as me if the font from 75 to 100dip chang?
> i ask with yes
> thanks for help
> gregor
> sorry for my english
> *************************************************************
> ****  Gregor Kleinhesseling       ***************************
> ****  [EMAIL PROTECTED]               ***************************
> ****  I like LINUX                ***************************
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