* Craig McLean ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Ok so the rc script explains why not all of the S/K entries get run on
> runlevel changes.
> My next question:  The init man page says all of the processes in the same
> process group as init that aren't also in the next run level should get a
> SIGTERM and a SIGKILL signal killing them.  This doesn't seem to be
> happening.  cron and syslog are both in the same process group as init but
> they aren't getting killed.  As an experiment I removed the cron and syslog
> entries from rc4.d and then trasferred to run level 4 from 2.  Yet cron and
> syslog weren't killed.
> Incidentally I don't think the removing of entries from the run level
> directories should make a difference anyways because I know that init
> doesn't actually have any knowledge of rc directories.
> I do know that when I transfer between various user defined run levels the
> signals aren't getting sent, but when I transfer between from a user defined
> run level to a system runlevel the signals do get sent.

true -- init knows nothing of the /etc/rc?.d/ directories.

but init knows about /etc/inittab, which contains the line

        l0:0:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 0
        l1:1:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 1
        l2:2:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 2
        l3:3:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 3
        l4:4:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 4
        l5:5:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 5
        l6:6:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 6
        # Normally not reached, but fallthrough in case of emergency.

which reveal that, on entry to, say, runlevel 3, the script
"/etc/init.d/rc" is run with a sole argument "3".

looking at the /etc/init.d/rc script, it uses its sole argument
to determine which /etc/rc?.d/ directory to look in; there, it
runs any K* scripts with an argument "stop", and then any S*
scripts with an argument "start".

if a K* script doesn't send any "kill -HUP `pidof mydaemon`" then
the process "mydaemon", if running, will stay running. likewise,
if a S* script doesn't actually launch a daemon, then no daemon
is launched.

in february of 2000 (when the manpage for init was last tweaked,
from what i can tell) init may have operated they way it's
describe there. but the way it works on debian potato is that it
calls a script (/etc/init.d/rc) that calls scripts
(/etc/rc*.d/[KS]*) with certain arguments. they're spozed to be
the ones to do the job -- and this is a nice, new, modular

you've discovered the biggest achilles' heel of the *nix world:
"the documentation was probably right at one point, but..."
to determine that "point", check the "last-modified" date and
keep exploring if you need to...

Wondering why the pundits say that CSH SCRIPTS ARE CONSIDERED
HARMFUL?  Although "tcsh" has improved on "csh" there are still
issues.  For the full scoop, read

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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