The man page states that whenever you transition between two run levels, it
sends all processes not in the new run level the SIGTERM and then SIGKILL
signals.  Also in the debian case it runs the rc script which does all the K
entries and all the S entries, in the new runlevels    rc[0-6sS].d
directory. When I transition from run level [2345] to run level [016sS] this
is exactly what happens.  However when I try to transition from any of the
user defined run levels to any of the other user defined run levels (going
from [2345] to [2345]) it doesn't do what it is supposed to do.  It
sometimes sends SIGTERM but not always, and it never sends SIGKILL and it
never executes any of the scripts in the rc directory of the new run level.
I've been through the man pages for init and inittab, i've also gone and
rtfs for init.  So what the is going on?

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