On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Alvin Oga wrote:

Sorry for the lack of subject, the power outtages drive me nuts ;)

AO> hi ya peter
AO> since this one is fun ....

hehe yeah :)
AO> a) ... get a UPS or a bigger one... put all your PCs,hugs, gateway,
AO>    router  only on the UPS..
AO>    do  NOT put the monitors/printers on UPS

hehe i have power backup on all machines, but it lasts only so long :) i was
thinking about using NiFe 12V battery array for 'expansion' of my ups, but i
haven't worked out how to charge them all yet. I heard that APC ups' don't
really like external chargers .. i don't want to burn out the only ups i
have ;)

AO>    login normally... go to the right window/door....
AO>     for spawn logins... enter "console.sh &"
AO> b) since you have 10-12 consoles... i assume you mean X11 xterms 
AO>    vi console.sh
AO>     #
AO>     # login into all the machines you want
AO>     #
AO>     xterm -geom XxY+xsize+ysize -name servername.com \
AO>     -exec ssh -l user servername.com  &
AO>     # repeat and change x/y-size coordinates for each xterm
AO>     #
AO>     # end of logins
AO> i never did get -exec or equivalent running right ... so at least i get
AO> all the xterms positioned correctly... by running the script...
AO> i too run about 15-20 consoles ( xterms ) in multiple windows/doors... 
AO>     - but if the server dies... i want it to stay down till i 
AO>     can look atit

sorry i should have specified this, i ment text consoles, this machine doesn't
have X installed .. i preffer 80x25 text screen for programming over fancy
fonts and stuff ..

anyway, i played around with /etc/inittab a little and this seems to do the

14:23:respawn:/bin/su - --command="/bin/bash" dingo

this spawns bash on console 14 as user 'dingo'

only problem is that now i get 'PIO_UNISCRNMAP ioctl: Operation not permitted'
whenever the console spawns .. any idea what that is all about, i'm assuming
that it has something to do with this call:

consolechars --app-charset-map=/usr/share/consoletrans/straight-to-font.acm.gz

but i haven't figured out yet how to fix it. I'm guessing that by not using
getty, the console doesn't get chown'ed to 'dingo' as the owner ?


                                   ' '(>~<)' '
    Petr [Dingo] Dvorak                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Coder - Purple Dragon MUD                       pdragon.org port 3333
   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-=-
      Debian version 2.2.18pre21, up 1:09, 10 users, load average: 0.97

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