On Sun, May 20, 2001 at 11:12:02AM -0700, Sidney Brooks wrote: | 2) My second problem is one that my ISP administrator cannot solve. | Until last summer, I could get onto the internet with any version of | linux that I tried. Typical of what I get now is what I get with | wvdial (same thing happens with RedHat): | | Connect | Carrier detected. Waiting for prompt. | PPP daemon has died | pppd error. | | My ISP administrator says that when he uses linux with his computer through | the modem that serves my area, he gets connected. He seems to want to blame | my computer. Since I have no trouble with Windows and even Beos worked when | I tried it, I cannot see how it can be my computer.
My suggestion would be to try minicom. It is a modem dialer, but it gives you a sort of interactive prompt. That way you can see exactly what your modem/ISP is responding with. I used it to figure out the exact sequence of send/reply pairs to use with chat. It works quite well. Once you get the modem to dial properly and chat authenticates you, you need to get pppd configured right. I found through trial and error what to use for PAP authentication options. HTH, -D