I have just installed Potato and have two problems.
1) I have configured my printer with magicfilterconfig. When I try to print,as I did with an earlier version of Debian, e.g. pr /etc/printcap |lpr, it does not work. I get:
lpr:connect: Connection refused
jobs queued; but cannot start daemon

2) My second problem is one that my ISP administrator cannot solve. Until last summer, I could get onto the internet with any version of linux that I tried. Typical of what I get now is what I get with wvdial (same thing happens with RedHat):
Carrier detected. Waiting for prompt.
PPP daemon has died
pppd error.

My ISP administrator says that when he uses linux with his computer through the modem that serves my area, he gets connected. He seems to want to blame my computer. Since I have no trouble with Windows and even Beos worked when I tried it, I cannot see how it can be my computer.

Any help would be appreciated.

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