On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 07:20:52PM -0700, Forrest English wrote:
> 1. i tried to install win98 to play games
> 2. it decided it wouldn't get through the setup. locked 4 times.
> 3. so, i put in my debian cd
> 3. rescue root=/dev/hda5
> 4. it boots up, all good...
> 5. login, re-run lilo
> 6. lilo seems to work fine.
> 7. i reboot
> 8. I9990305   is all that apears where i expect to see:
>       MBR
>       LILO:
> 9. so i use the rescue disk again.  i try loging in and doing fdisk /mbr,
> it reports, unable to open mbr.   uh, greeeaaaat....  
I think (could be wrong) that "fdisk /mbr" is the syntax for the DOS
version (which is why it works in the next step).  You would get this
message unless you had a hard disk device file named "mbr" in your /
directory.  Perhaps you should try "fdisk /dev/hda."

> 10.  reboot using the win98 cd to dos.        fdisk /mbr.  it doesn't complain
> 11. do the reboot, rescue, lilo thing again.
> 12. stare at I9990305 again.


        "It's a summons."
        "What's a summons?"
        "It means summon's in trouble."
                -- Rocky and Bullwinkle

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