1. i tried to install win98 to play games 2. it decided it wouldn't get through the setup. locked 4 times. 3. so, i put in my debian cd 3. rescue root=/dev/hda5 4. it boots up, all good... 5. login, re-run lilo 6. lilo seems to work fine. 7. i reboot 8. I9990305 is all that apears where i expect to see: MBR LILO:
9. so i use the rescue disk again. i try loging in and doing fdisk /mbr, it reports, unable to open mbr. uh, greeeaaaat.... 10. reboot using the win98 cd to dos. fdisk /mbr. it doesn't complain 11. do the reboot, rescue, lilo thing again. 12. stare at I9990305 again. does anyone have any suggestions short of never install install windows _after_ installing linux? -- Forrest English http://truffula.net "When we have nothing left to give There will be no reason for us to live But when we have nothing left to lose You will have nothing left to use" -Fugazi