Dave Sherohman wrote: > > On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 05:29:48PM -0500, will trillich wrote: > > one thing's for sure -- adding "tip-of-the-moment" to your email > > sure boosts the likelihood that newbies pay attention to what you > > say! (which means now i must be more careful about the details, > > such as how the mac beats debian all to hell. wait, is that the > > other way around? hold on, now. ah, this is it: it's windows. > > bill gates is the savior of humanity. that's it. yeah.) > > Speaking of which... I noticed your 'to find out what ports are open > on your machine, use nmap' tip. Shouldn't that be 'to find out what > ports are open on your machine, use netstat -a | grep LISTEN'?
(hey, we all gotta learn sometime.) i'll append that shortly. thanks! -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.dontUthink.com/