On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 09:03:09AM -0500, Mullins, Ron wrote:
> >     # pipe randomized 'tip' from perl script--
> >     send-hook debian- "set signature='~/.signature-debian |'"
> >     # any email going out to any address containing "debian-"
> >     # gets the output of ~/.signature-debian as a signature block
> >
> > -- 
> <snip>
> > --
> > What's a "manpage"? It's the documentation you get when you enter
> > "man SOMETHING" such as "man ps" or "man bash" or "man apt-setup".
> > ...from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Anyone else think Will is grubbing for a Nobel? Way to go Will!

i think of it as "stumping" instead.

one thing's for sure -- adding "tip-of-the-moment" to your email
sure boosts the likelihood that newbies pay attention to what you
say! (which means now i must be more careful about the details,
such as how the mac beats debian all to hell. wait, is that the
other way around? hold on, now. ah, this is it: it's windows.
bill gates is the savior of humanity. that's it. yeah.)

Would you like to have rxvt show you useful information in the
TITLE BAR of its X window? For example, to see your "present
working directory" in the title bar, include this in your command
prompt string:
        export PS1="\e]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED] "
Anything between the "\e]0;" and the control-G will be displayed
as the title of the rxvt window. (Here, ^G is preceded by ^V
showing how to insert one into an editor.)


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