On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Raffaele Sandrini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have some problems with so52.
>I have downloadet the bin from sun.
>Now i want t install it.
>1. SO can't find my java installation and even if i give the path it says 
>that i couldn't find java... I have both java packages (jdk and jdk-dev) 

I have never tried this with the Java debs and with SO 5.2, but 5.1 is
working fine here with both the JDK 1.1.8 and 1.3.0 from Blackdown.
Try setting $JAVA_HOME to the root of the JDK tree:

        export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/root/of/jdk

This won't do any harm anyway. If the installer still doesn't find
Java, try installing without Java and run "jvmsetup" afterwards (this
is the name of the Java install utility in 5.1, this might have
changed in 5.2). This way it's easier to experiment with paths and
environment settings, since you don't have to run the installer every

>2. How must i install it so that a normal user can use it. First time i 
>installed SO as root in /opt/so52 but then my normal user couldn't use it. 
>Even if i set the right permissions...
>Where are the errors?

As root, install with "setup /net". The manual refers to that as a
"network installation", but in fact it is simply a multiuser install.
Then, for every user running SO, run setup again, but this time from
your local SO install location (e.g. /opt/so52) and without the "/net"
switch. Choose something like "run SO from the network". Again, don't
get confused by the "network" stuff, this aplies for every multiuser
system, with network or without.


Philipp Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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