>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Runes <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
On 4/20/01, 2:32:47 PM, Raffaele Sandrini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spelled magical StarOffice 5.2: > Hi, > I have some problems with so52. > I have downloadet the bin from sun. > Now i want t install it. > 1. SO can't find my java installation and even if i give the path it says > that i couldn't find java... I have both java packages (jdk and jdk-dev) > installed. If you can go to Sun:s Star Office support, for Linux you can find answers to java. I use java jdk118, that works. Jdk 1.2.2 don't. > 2. How must i install it so that a normal user can use it. First time i > installed SO as root in /opt/so52 but then my normal user couldn't use it. > Even if i set the right permissions... > Where are the errors? There are lot of answers for installing SO, too. And You can find some useful patches. They maybe fix some problems...http://supportforum.sun.com/staroffice/ go to Linux Install Getting Java to Work, and bug fixies you'll find in /staroffice/patches.html > cheers, > Raffaele maRia