On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 08:17:18PM -0400, Kevin Stokes wrote:
| Gosh, you guys are so serious!  I was just having a bit of fun with that
| part.   The whole thing is tongue-in-cheek, although like all humour, it has
| to have a grain of truth or some kind of point to make in order to work.
|  I'm not upset or mad or flaming anybody or anything.

Put some <wink>'s or ;-)'s or :-)'s where you think you are being
funny.  It helps it to actually be funny <wink>.  When you tell a
funny story to someone in person, they can see your expression and/or
hear the tone of your voice.  When writing e-mail you must explicitly
include such hints to the readers.  The lack of such punctuation in
your e-mail makes you sound very serious about it.



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