On Thursday 12 April 2001 13:52, Andrew D Dixon wrote:

Not to mention they think of windows as free as well (probably only 30% of 
windows users actually paid for it), and don't understand the "free speech" / 
"free beer" distinction.  Notice it is also almost always Americans whining.  
Don't seem to care much for free speech, do we?

> I think the reason a lot of newbies start ranting on the list is because
> they come over from M$ where bitching about software is the only thing you
> can do (and you usually get a sympathetic ear).  The idea of an OS of the
> people by the people for the people is a totally froeign concept to most
> people.  In my experience you get people to quit bitching faster by
> sympathizing (I bet there's not a single person who didn't get bullsh*t the
> first time they did an install) and then assuring that the installation
> process is a good learning experience. If you just pluk 'em right off the
> bat that's one less convert in the world.

Tim Kelley

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