On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 09:25:16AM -0400, Kevin Stokes wrote:
>   There is nothing I have seen in Linux which is any more difficult than
> other operating systems I have used.   The difference is that most of the
> doc is oriented towards the person who already knows everything.   It is
> just so silly that Linux developers have worked so hard to make the software
> itself very good, but then leave it in a state where 98 percent of potential
> Linux users fall in deep hole if they try it.

just like parents never remember what it is to be a teenager, hackers
never remember what it is to be a newbie.  

>    I think all Linux needs is a help system designed to be as good or better
> than the Windows Help file.   A large index of topics, each one with 6 to 10

ok so all we need is a gui interface to a well indexed /dev/null.
okey dokey.  

Ethan Benson

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