On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 01:07:02PM -0400, D-Man wrote:
> I think that an introduction that is easy for inexperienced people to
> start with would be a good thing.  It should include references to
> more detailed/advanced documentation and also mention the common
> pitfalls or things to look out for.  Explaining in simplistic terms
> the basic organziation of the system seems to be the part that is most
> lacking.


> I am in favor of creating a document that introduces the concept and
> organization of a Debian system with pointers to common situations and
> more advanced documentation.  I think sprinkling it with funny stories
> of our own blunders will help show newbies what can go wrong, how to
> solve it, and that they aren't the only ones to mess up.

we need you at newbiedoc. c'mon over!

> ATTN all newbies : feel free to post any questions to the list.  I
> actually enjoy helping (when I can), but don't be a whiner when the
> system can't read your mind -- instead post all information you think
> is relevant and be polite.  :-)

any questions at all. someone will know just a bit more than you
do, and be delighted that they can put that knowledge to work for
someone else. (keeps them from having to sweep up loose hairs, too.)

> My opinion was that Unix was ancient and Windows far exceeded it.
> Shows how much I knew ;-).

unix is ancient (not that there's anything wrong with that). at
least you got that part right.

> I wrote this story in hopes that someone would enjoy reading it and
> get a good laugh at my initial perception of Unix (Solaris) and vi.  I
> now consider (g)vim to be the most superior editor and use it for my
> daily work (I have tried emacs, and emacs fans are welcome to it
> <wink>).

i think vim is abominable, deplorable and inconsiderate. it uses
modes for this, modes for that... and i wouldn't ever consider
using anything else.

wanna write up a vim intro at sourceForge.net/projects/newbiedoc/?

americans should never read anything so subversive as what's at

http://sourceforge.net/projects/newbiedoc -- we need your brain!
http://www.dontUthink.com/ -- your brain needs us!

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