On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 03:27:04PM +0200, Joris Lambrecht wrote: | I personally think that this has to do with Debian more then with Linux | itself. Other linuxdistro's like RedHat, Mandrake, Corel are focusing on the | usability. Debian is more like a sysadmin tool. Maybe it simply lacks an | introduction wich is easy to find. Most of the documentation is readable | enough for the determined.
I think that an introduction that is easy for inexperienced people to start with would be a good thing. It should include references to more detailed/advanced documentation and also mention the common pitfalls or things to look out for. Explaining in simplistic terms the basic organziation of the system seems to be the part that is most lacking. As we have all seen, the Windows help system is useless if you have half a clue what you are doing, or you are trying to setup something new. I have found the documentation (howtos, this list) to be very helpful in explaining (almost) everything and showing how to get info from the system to diagnose the problem. OTOH, I am a softare engineering student so I am on the more geeky end of the spectrum as opposed to the newbie side. I have been using Linux for ~2 years now. I used RedHat, then switched to Debian only about half a year ago. I started with DOS, then moved throught the various windows beginning 9 years ago. I have hardly read any documentation about windows, the majority of from Linux sources. Trying to solve something not working in windows is difficult since there is no documentation (like my network at home ...). Just trying random-guesses at a solution is easy since there is a pointy-clicky-try-this-and-hope-for-the-best interface. I find diagnosing and solving problems much easier in Linux, and the documentation explains things well. Linuxconf (on RH) makes it easier for an inexperienced user to get a working system, but I've enjoyed learning how the system really works since I installed Debian. I am in favor of creating a document that introduces the concept and organization of a Debian system with pointers to common situations and more advanced documentation. I think sprinkling it with funny stories of our own blunders will help show newbies what can go wrong, how to solve it, and that they aren't the only ones to mess up. ATTN all newbies : feel free to post any questions to the list. I actually enjoy helping (when I can), but don't be a whiner when the system can't read your mind -- instead post all information you think is relevant and be polite. :-) -D PS - (story of my introduction to computing : ) To begin with I am 20 years old, a 3rd year Software Engineering major at RIT (5-year program, includes co-op). I started learing how to use my dad's computer when I was in 7th grade (early 90's) -- a Packard Bell 286 with DOS 3.3. I learned the basic filesystem movement commands, but little more. Then he upgraded to Win 3.1 with a Gateway 2000 486. In 95 when Win95 was released he upgraded to that. I learned each in succession. My senior year of high school I had a co-op job with a large local corporation. My desktop machine was a Win95 system. The other co-op in the group had NT4.0. They also had Sun Solaris systems. <most interesting part begins> It turned out that my family knew the family of one of the Unix admins there. He showed me how to login (via telnet) to the solaris system and some basic commands : ls == dir cp == copy mv == ren rm == del cd == cd He also showed me vi. I knew only the following commands : h j k l i x dd :w :q That admin gave me a short document on Unix commands and a "cheat sheet" on vi. I didn't really read them closely until much later. My opinion was that Unix was ancient and Windows far exceeded it. Shows how much I knew ;-). I got a computer when I started college and it had Win98 preinstalled. The CS lab at school has Sun Solaris systems. I had no trouble using them since I already knew the basic commands. What I didn't know was how to do anything particularly interesting. I started to learn how to configure stuff on my account that year. I also heard about linux, and decided to get a second hard drive and install it at the beginning of my second year. RH 5.2 Unleashed. The XFree it included didn't work with my video card (only 640x480x8, ugh!) and I didn't know much about admining it. When RH6.1 was released I upgraded and got a nicely working system (GNOME and all). I learned more about using the system and I began to use windows less and less. This year when RH7.0 was released I upgraded. I learned of my mistake afterwards, and started to check out Debian. I installed Debian as a triple-boot system, but windows was rarely booted. I now have a co-op job where I must use Win2k as my desktop (it was WinNT until it decided not to boot one morning). I would much prefer to use Debian, but I fake it as much as possible with cygwin. As mentioned above, I find Linux to be a far superior system to Windows and really like using it. I now have 2 computers (a new homemade Duron 750 system and an old GW2k 486 system) both of which have Potato installed -- single boot! I wrote this story in hopes that someone would enjoy reading it and get a good laugh at my initial perception of Unix (Solaris) and vi. I now consider (g)vim to be the most superior editor and use it for my daily work (I have tried emacs, and emacs fans are welcome to it <wink>).