> Look into kernel documentation for "sysrq".
> Documentation/sysrq.txt
> Alt-Sysrq key will get you out from disastor if you compile kernel
> this option.  This is for Frozen X,...
> *  What are the 'command' keys?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 'r'     - Turns off keyboard raw mode. (THIS IS FOR FROZEN X)
> 's'     - Will attempt to sync all mounted filesystems.
> 'u'     - Will attempt to remount all mounted filesystems
>           read-only.
> 'k'     - Kills all programs on the current virtual console.
> 'b'     - Will immediately reboot the system without syncing or
>           unmounting your disks.
> 'o'     - Will shut your system off (if configured and
>           supported).

How many people use this ?? I've rarely had Linux lock up on me, but a
few times I have had X lockup to the point that hitting the power switch
was my only option... I think I've seen this in "make menuconfig"
before. Isn't it the last selection in the menu ??

If I were to use this, I don't think you'd want to use "b" by itself,
since it doesn't sync the disks. Can you use multiple selections, like
"s" first and then "b" ??

Thanks in advance

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